Thursday, December 3, 2009

This image of the Princess Alexandra Hospital taken in the evening, is stunning. It is also my exercise using Picasa today. I find Picasa easier when it comes to tagging and uploading but Flickr's instructions are much easier to follow and I also like the feature that I can connect straight to my blog from Flickr. I have not managed that from Picasa.

Again my main obstacle will be not to "play" enough with these web 2 tools. I have great difficulty keeping track how to log into each of these. But at the same time it is incredible fun to see photos uploaded on the web at a click of a button and know that my friends and family around the globe can view them instantaneously.

UQ Library staff at PA Hospital

I have had an exciting time learning to use Flickr. It seems easy enough but tagging has got me stumped. This photo is one we took here in the library on the eve of the big International Congress of Medical Librarianship held in Brisbane in September this year. UQ Library were the hosts and were kept very busy. A wonderful experience.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

My first time!

This is a big step for me. I am not a naturally gifted technology-type person. It is also a huge adventure.
Of all the 7 and 1/2 habits I think the easiest one for me to follow is Accepting responsibility for my own learning. If I am interested in something, I WILL learn it or master it. I enjoy learning and doing it at my own pace.
The hardest one for me, oddly enough, is the 1/2 one - playing! I don't really enjoy playing around with technology so will have to make sure I allocate some time to this ad "learn" how to make it fun.